What is Veterinary Laser Therapy?

Content Courtesy of AVMA;AVMA.org

Veterinary laser therapy is an innovative treatment that has gained popularity in recent years as veterinarians discover its benefits for pets. Used similarly to acupuncture, massage therapy, and other alternative therapies, laser treatment can be used in conjunction with or in place of medication to manage pain, inflammation, and wound healing.

“Laser”—an acronym for “light amplification of stimulated emission of radiation”—refers to a unit that emits focused, penetrating light beams in three forms:

  • Monochromatic: Light that is a single wavelength (as opposed to natural light, which is emitted as a range of wavelengths)
  • Coherent: Photons (i.e., tiny particles of light or electromagnetic radiation) that travel in the same phase and direction
  • Collimated: Photons that travel in a single straight beam

Coherence and collimation give a laser penetrating power to a restricted area so that nearby tissues are unaffected.

Lasers are classified based on their wavelength and potential energy output, with four classes currently recognized:

  • Class 1 lasers, such as barcode scanners used in supermarkets, are used safely every day
  • Class 2 lasers, which include laser pointers and some therapeutic lasers, produce a beam in the visible spectrum (400–700 nanometers)
  • Class 3 lasers include the most commonly used therapeutic lasers
  • Class 4 lasers cause thermal injury to tissues and include surgical lasers used to cut and cauterize tissue during surgical procedures

How does laser therapy affect my pet’s tissue?

Therapeutic lasers use light waves of a specific wavelength to cause photobiomodulation, or the alteration of cellular and tissue physiology. Light absorbed by cellular components stimulates electrons and activates cells to promote growth, proliferation, migration, and repair.

The type and depth of tissue that responds to laser therapy depends on the wavelength of the light that is delivered. Most therapeutic lasers use red or near-infrared light, which has a wavelength of 600–1070 nanometers, although units with green, blue, and violet light, which have lower wavelengths, are becoming more popular. Laser beams of lower wavelengths are absorbed by superficial tissue, such as the skin, whereas beams of higher wavelengths penetrate deeper to muscles and bones.

Laser therapy helps tissue repair by causing the following:

  • Endorphin release
  • Vasodilation, which increases blood flow to bring in oxygen and cells involved in the healing process
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Faster healing and repair

The main clinical benefits of laser use in pets include decreased inflammation, decreased pain, and improved wound healing.

Who can benefit from laser therapy?

Laser therapy is used for many veterinary medical conditions, including:

  • Chronic arthritis
  • Surgical incisions
  • Tendon and ligament injuries
  • Traumatic injuries

Laser therapy is particularly useful for pets with limited medical treatment options, such as:

  • Pets with liver disease who cannot take medications
  • Cats, for whom only a few pain-control medications are approved
  • Exotic pets for whom medication administration is difficult or impossible
  • Older pets with diminished organ function

How are laser treatments administered?

During a treatment session, the handheld laser wand is slowly moved back and forth over the damaged tissue, producing a warm, pleasant sensation that most pets seem to enjoy and find relaxing. Sessions usually last 15 to 30 minutes, with the number of sessions and frequency of treatments dependent on the injury. Chronic conditions may be treated weekly, whereas surgical incisions and open wounds often require daily treatment. 

Is laser therapy safe for pets?

Laser therapy is safe if performed correctly, using the proper settings and treatment durations. Higher-powered units can cause thermal burns to tissues if used incorrectly. Also, laser beams directed at an eye can cause permanent retinal damage, so patients and all veterinary staff must wear protective goggles during treatment.

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Why Are Regular Veterinary Visits So Important?!

Content Courtesy of AVMA; AVMA.org

Routine veterinary visits help your pet live a long, healthy, and happy life. Annual or biannual exams nip emerging health problems in the bud and are key to extending your pet’s time by your side. Early detection and intervention allows your veterinary team to treat a disease in the beginning stages, and then manage the condition with medication or simple lifestyle changes. Your veterinarian also can give you pointers that will help your pet live her healthiest life and stave off potential medical conditions.

What is your veterinarian looking for during an exam?

The physical exam your veterinarian performs may seem like nothing more than a thorough petting, but it reveals a wealth of information. Here’s what your veterinarian is checking when she examines your furry friend:

  • Ears — Ear infections are common in both cats and dogs. Cats often present with ear mites, while dogs routinely display yeast or bacterial infections, but all can cause infection in either species. Left untreated, ear infections can progress to painful, inflamed, thickened ears, making future cleaning and treatment difficult. Your veterinarian also will look for any masses or polyps that need to be removed.
  • Eyes — Eye issues abound in flat-faced breeds, such as bulldogs, pugs, and Persians, and several other breeds. Flat-faced pets easily can develop corneal ulcers if their protruding eyes are scratched, schnauzers frequently form cataracts, and cocker spaniels routinely suffer from dry eyes. If your pet develops glaucoma that is left unchecked, she will suffer with severe eye pain from the increased pressure as well as potential vision loss, and surgical removal will be necessary.
  • Mouth — Dental health affects your pet’s entire body, and the veterinarian will look for signs of gingivitis, loose teeth, tartar accumulation, and oral masses. A dirty mouth can harm her heart, kidneys, and other organs because of traveling oral bacteria.
  • Skin — Dry, itchy skin and hair loss can indicate a variety of health issues, including mange, allergies, skin infections, endocrine imbalances, fleas, and poor nutrition. Your pet’s overall health can be gauged from the quality of her skin and hair coat.
  • Heart and lungs — Older pets are prone to heart disease, but younger cats and dogs also can show problems with heart rhythm and function. Cardiac disease is best managed when signs first appear, and these signs are often only picked up by auscultation with a stethoscope, leading to further diagnostic testing. Many pets hide heart disease, only displaying coughing and exercise intolerance when the disease is advanced. A diseased heart also can affect the lungs, creating chest wheezes and crackles if fluid backs up.
  • Abdomen — While an abdominal palpation may seem to be a belly massage for your pet, your veterinarian is checking for abnormal masses and organ size. Enlarged kidneys can indicate renal failure, a thickened bladder may be hiding a chronic urinary tract infection, or an enlarged spleen may be feeding a tumor.
  • Muscles, joints, and bones — Gait changes, limping, or muscle loss can often be remedied. Almost all older pets suffer from osteoarthritis, causing stiffness and muscle loss from inactivity due to pain. Another common musculoskeletal issue in dogs involves their cranial cruciate ligament, which is prone to rupture in overweight or active pets. Similar to an ACL tear in human athletes, this injury can cause serious joint-health problems for your pet if not correctly managed.

Your veterinarian will examine your pet from nose to tail, and based on her findings, may recommend additional diagnostic testing.

Why are routine tests important for your pet’s health?

Routine testing of younger pets provides a baseline of their normal values and may identify hidden illnesses. Older pets benefit from routine screening for common species- or breed-specific diseases, the same way people undergo normal screening tests based on hereditary diseases. Your veterinarian may recommend these additional tests geared toward your pet:

  • Blood work — Many veterinarians recommend wellness panels for geriatric pets, but often begin with baseline blood work when the pets are younger. Blood work can reveal many precursors to illness, including anemia, infection, bone marrow issues, diabetes, and organ dysfunction.
  • Heartworm test — The American Heartworm Society recommends annual heartworm testing to ensure your pet remains negative and free from these deadly parasites. Heartworm testing also may test for Lyme disease and other common tick-borne diseases, all of which can progress to dangerous conditions if left untreated.
  • Urinalysis — Inspecting your pet’s urine sample can provide a wealth of information about the urinary tract. A small amount of “liquid gold” can help your veterinary team see signs of inflammation, infection, kidney dysfunction, crystal formation, and diabetes.
  • Fecal examination — Intestinal parasites can hide out in your pet’s gastrointestinal tract, leaching away nutrition. A routine fecal check can identify common intestinal worms. Prompt deworming treatment can prevent the parasite population from increasing, causing diarrhea and other serious health issues.

Since pets—especially cats—are excellent at hiding signs of illness, a thorough physical exam with routine screening tests is crucial to detect early stage illnesses. Early detection and treatment can extend your pet’s life, giving you many more years of quality time together, so schedule a wellness visit to ensure your furry friend is in top physical condition. Check out our AAHA-accredited hospital locator to find a hospital that will give your beloved companion the gold standard of veterinary care. 

How Can My Pet Have A Stress-Free Veterinary Visit?

Content courtesy of AVMA; www.AVMA.org

Many of our beloved pets don’t go to the veterinarian for their recommended annual visit, forgoing the benefits of preventive medicine. The reason? Stress—from wrangling your cat into a carrier, from trying to keep your dog from vomiting in your new car, from sitting next to barking dogs and yowling cats in a packed waiting room, and from watching your precious pup quake or feline friend lash out in fear. It’s no wonder so many pets skip their veterinary visits.

Fortunately for our pet’s physical and mental health—and ours—there is a shift toward low-stress veterinary care. Not only does stress negatively affect pets and create psychological trauma, it also can be so severe that test results are skewed and the immune system is weakened. If your pet has experienced a lifetime of anxiety, reversing her chain of reactions during her trip to the vet can be challenging. Follow our seven steps to calm fears and turn your furry friend into a pet who loves the vet.

Practice handling your pet

Two of the biggest challenges veterinary professionals face are a pet’s feet and ears. Many pets do not approve of these body parts being manipulated, and often they strongly object to being handled by a stranger. However, even a pet adopted later in life can be conditioned to accept handling, grooming, and restraint. Begin by pairing potentially unpleasant handling with delicious, high-value treats. Train your dog to give you her paw for nail trims, or have your cat or dog focus on a whipped-cream cone while you clean her ears. Creating a positive association with the handling of these two tricky areas vastly will increase your pet’s quality of life by reducing the struggle and fear commonly associated with nail trims and ear cleanings. Checking these areas is a critical component of preventive care because routine cleanings allow a peek inside your pet’s ears to catch an infection before it becomes painfully severe, while frequent nail trims keep the blood vessel inside each nail trimmed back, avoiding painful cutting. Distraction with high-value treats or toys, praise, and petting all work well at keeping your pet occupied during potentially unpleasant tasks, but conditioning her to realize good things come from handling goes a long way to reducing fear and anxiety.

Schedule appointments according to your pet’s fears

When scheduling your anxious pet’s appointment, ask for the earliest time slot. Routine appointments can run long, emergencies are squeezed in, and sometimes you and your stressed pet end up waiting in a packed waiting room before being shown to a quiet exam room. The earliest time slot allows you to avoid the chaos of a jam-packed waiting room on a Friday evening. If this is not feasible, call the hospital when you arrive and ask the client care representative if you can wait with your pet in the car until an exam room is open. 

The carrier is a cat’s friend, not foe

Most cats only see the carrier come out when it’s time to visit the vet. This negative association ensures the carrier is seen as a harbinger of doom, leading to a major struggle to get your cat inside scratch-free. To avoid this association, leave the carrier out at all times, treating it as the deliverer of delicious snacks instead. Routinely throw a few high-value kitty treats into the carrier, leaving the door propped open. Your cat will sniff out the goodies and learn to associate good things with the box of doom. Line the carrier with a cozy blanket spritzed with Feliway spray and add a soft toy or two to make your cat feel comfortable and secure while traveling.

Drop by with your pet for “happy visits”

Does your pet only visit the vet for vaccinations or when she’s sick? If so, it’s no wonder she associates a trip to the clinic with being poked and prodded by strangers. Stop by for a few happy, treat-filled visits with no needles. Load up on your pet’s favorite snacks and let the veterinary team offer them to your pet. Stop by for massages, belly rubs, and special treats. Soon your furry friend will be excited to visit the veterinarian.

Calm your fear first, then your pet’s

Our pets are remarkably in-tune with our feelings and emotions. If you are nervous about a veterinary visit, your pet will pick up on that and also become anxious. Project a calm demeanor, speak in a soft, soothing voice—no high-pitched, squeaky baby talk—and try to avoid excessive petting. Your pet will pick up on your calming cues and relax if you do.

Come as a hungry pet, leave happy

A hungry pet will be more treat-motivated, allowing your veterinary team to provide your pet’s favorite treat as a tasty distraction. Skip breakfast the morning of your appointment and bring treats you know your pet loves to reward her for good behavior.

Ask the veterinarian for help

Some pets become so fearful when visiting the veterinarian that they need anti-anxiety medication. Many pets benefit from a mild sedative, especially for such scary situations as nail trims and ear cleanings, but others may need additional medication. Ask your veterinarian for recommendations other than medication that will reduce your pet’s anxiety, such as compression wraps, pheromone sprays, essential oils, or calming supplements.

As well as searching for Fear Free veterinary professionals, choose your pet’s veterinary team based on the highest standards of care. Use our AAHA-accredited hospital locator to find the perfect team for your beloved companion. Your pet will change from fearful to fear-free and learn to love her veterinary team.

Losing a Friend: Dealing with the Loss of a Family Pet

Posts by: 
Dr. Ruth MacPete, DVM/Pet Health Information Network/IDEXX

Losing a pet is hard. Just like many of you, Dr. Ruth MacPete has been there. Read on to hear her story and find some great resources to help you cope with the loss of a beloved pet. For more from Dr. MacPete, find her on Facebook or at www.drruthpetvet.com!
Cody was a goofy red Doberman who thought he was a cat. Considering he lived in a household full of cats, it is easy to see why he would think of himself as one of the felines. After all, they seemed to have the life; they had food out all day, could jump on tables and counters, sit on their parent’s laps, sleep on a pillow or under the covers, and never had to go out for a walk in the rain. So in spite of his huge size (90 lbs.), he would try to sit on our laps whenever he could and he would adopt the kittens we were fostering as though they were his own. Each litter of kittens I brought home was greeted with a big wet nose and maybe a lick or two. He willingly shared his bed with them and would sleep on the edge of his bed in order to not disturb them. However, being a dog had its perks. Cody hiked everywhere with us, taking trips to the mountains, beaches, and parks. He even had dog birthday parties with all his four-legged friends. Many would say Cody was a lucky dog, but looking back I know we were the lucky ones because Cody brought us so much unconditional love and joy. Cody was a loyal and caring companion; when we needed cheering, he made us laugh, when we needed comfort, he gave us reassuring kisses. He even made our foster kittens feel at home by playing hide-and-seek with them and sharing his food and bed. He was also a survivor who rebounded from knee surgery, recovered from being paralyzed from Wobbler Syndrome, and outlived cancer and surgery in his 14 years. He seemed indestructible so we were caught off guard and devastated when he became ill and this time didn’t’ recover. Losing Cody was especially difficult for my husband who had him as a puppy in college and we still get teary eyed when we think of him not being in our life any longer.

While losing Cody was heart wrenching, we were fortunate to have the support of family, friends and my veterinary colleagues during this difficult time. Saying goodbye to a friend is never easy and everyone copes with loss differently. I share my story of losing Cody because it is important for people who lose their beloved pets to know that they are not alone and help and support are available. There are numerous pet loss websites and hotlines to help you cope with your grief. They all have trained professionals who understand what you are going through. Remember, you can also speak with your veterinarian, who understands the special bond shared between you and your pet.

Once the grieving period is over and you feel ready, think about opening your heart and home to another animal. How long it takes to get there varies from person to person and you’ll know when the time is right to bring another pet into your life. Though you can never replace your lost pet, animals have lots of love to share and they can help fill the void in your heart. 


University of Illinois, College of Veterinary Medicine C.A.R.E Helpline

Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Pet Loss Support Hotline

Argus Institute: Colorado State University’s Pet Loss & Hospice Programs

Association for Pet Loss & Bereavement
Pet Loss Website
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Pet Loss Hotline 
Iams Pet Loss Support Center

If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian – they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.