Veterinary Cannabis & CH Pets

DISCLAIMER: Veterinary cannabis is still a very fresh and constantly changing/developing aspect of veterinary medicine. If you ever have questions/concerns, or want to discuss the potential of adding CBD/cannabis to your pet’s medicine protocol and/or treatment plan we always stress to have an open and honest dialog with your veterinarian/specialist! We do not support nor condone veterinary cannabis but simply answering a question that a “President” Bifford supporter e-mailed us earlier in the week. We remove all responsibility for any effects (both positive & negative) that your pet may endure by trying veterinary cannabis!

Accessibility: Hemp and CBD-only products can be found in pet stores and online. Products with higher THC content can be found in a dispensary only. Make sure that you are familiar with and abide by ALL cannabis laws applicable in your area.

Manufacturer Reputation: Look for a company with high ethical standards that are open and honest about their manufacturing techniques, ingredients and resources.

The “entourage effect”: Products that utilize the 600+ compounds of the whole cannabis plan are safer and more therapeutic than those that utilize a single or few compounds.

Contaminant-Free: Look for products that are tested and confirmed to be free of contaminants such as pesticides and heavy metals as well as mold and bacteria.

Safe Extraction Technique: C02 and alcohol are the safest extraction techniques for the products used in animals. Other extraction methods may leave behind toxic residual chemicals in the product.

Tinctures (cannabis in liquid form): Tinctures are one of the safest & most accurate form of cannabis use in animals. The veterinary cannabis society recommends AGAINST the use of edibles (cookies, gummies, etc.,) made specifically for humans for use in animals.

Quality Ingredients: Animal tinctures should be formulated in a high-quality oil base and NOT alcohol. NOTE: alcohol is fine as an extraction method but NOT as a tincture base!

No Additives: Avoid products that have additives such as coloring, preservatives, or other herbs. Be especially careful to AVOID any product that contains xylitol which is extremely toxic to animals.

Ratio of CBD/THC: A combination of both CBD & THC has a greater therapeutic effect for most conditions than either one used alone. Work with your veterinarian to determine the right ratio for your pet & their condition(s).

Concentration: How many milligrams (mg) are in each drop or milliliter (ml)? Higher concentrations allow easier administration in bigger animals. Lower concentrations are safer for smaller animals because of their lower body weight.

Measured Dose: A marked dropper, syringe or easily calculated number of drops is required to provide accurate dosing.

Cautions: Although cannabis is remarkably safe, if your animal is taking other medications, please make sure to discuss your animal’s [potential] cannabis plan with your veterinarian. Do not use cannabis in immature or pregnant animals.

Go Slow: Always start with a low dose and slowly work up to your target dose. Gradually introduce any change in brand, CBD/THC ratio, or concentration. Re-evaluate your dosing if your animal’s health status changes.

Set Up For Success: Arrange the home environment so your animal feels safe & comfortable at ALL times. If an animal receives an inappropriate dose of cannabis, they may be overly sensitive to bright lights and loud sounds. ALWAYS contact your veterinarian if you feel your pet received an inappropriate dose!

Keep A Journal: Consider keeping a log of your animal’s cannabis dose and their reactions.

How CBD is thought to help dogs

Researchers are still learning CBD’s specific effects on dogs, but here’s how the compound is THOUGHT to work:

Dogs have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) just like humans.

The ECS is a network of cellular activators and receptors in the body that regulate physiological processes, including pain, mood, inflammation, stress & more.

CBD binds to and activates the vanilloid, adenosine & serotonin receptors in a dog’s ECS and helps to regulate pain perception, inflammation, temperature & more. It also boosts dopamine levels, helping to reduce anxiety & improve mood.

CBD also blocks GPR55 signaling, which decreases cancer cell reproduction.

CBD can help improve:

  • Allergies
  • Anxiety & Fear
  • Appetite Loss & Digestive Problems
  • Arthritis, Joint & Mobility Issues
  • Cancer & Tumors
  • Skin Issues
  • Seizures & Epilepsy
  • Inflammation
  • Glaucoma
  • Spasms

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